The Weary Fox

It was around sunset and a couple of friends and I went for a walk down an old berm at the edge of the glades. We had not seen any spectacular wild life at this point, but it was enjoyable weather and it was the usual quiet and relaxing scene we liked this spot for. As we walked along we began to hear a rustling from the saw grass. It appeared to be moving in one spot and was moving back and forth in a sort of figure 8 pattern. This was a fleeting moment and before we had barely noticed the rustling a small animal raced out and down the path at an unfathomable speed. To this day even though I saw this animal run down the path I am still not sure what it was. I assume it was a fox based on size and shear speed and agility. It was like blur flying across the ground.

Rabbit Hole or Fox Hole

Over the years I have seen foxes in my neighborhood. They seem to live on the fringes of the public schools near my home. A year and a half ago they removed a great deal of the shrubs and trees there and I believe the foxes lost there fox holes or home bases there. About a year ago we had a visit from a fox in our backyard which I believe was due to some electrical technicians working a little to close to the foxes new hide out. He stayed in the yard for a few hours and when the coast was clear he disappeared.

Hotel Patio

The fox returned for another visit recently. He looked tired and had a limp. He curled up on the porch next to the sliding door like a dog or a cat would. We just left him alone and let him sleep all day. He just lied there curled up for a good part of the day then from one minute to the next he was gone.

Back Yard Sanctuary

Most of our yard is a large planter that surrounds the yard and half the yard is a patio. Over the years we have been seing more and more wildlife. The trees have matured and squirrels have made there homes in nearby trees. We recently had some racoon visitors as well.

Spirit Animals

I had an extraordinary experience when I saw that fox run out of the sawgrass moving at a speed beyond my eyesights ability to fathom it. It was like that fox had special cloaking technology to make himself invisible moving at a supernatural speed. I think I have made a connection with the fox. He knows my back yard as a place to rest even if he only shows himself every 6 months. It may be because on several occasions I have been hanging out in front of my house at night I have seen him and other foxes roaming the streets for food and they see me and I don't bother them.

Making a Habitat for wildlife

A backyard wildlife habitat can be as simple as putting out a bird bath and a bird feeder, Leaving a side of your yard covered in shrubs where the lawn mower can't mow or putting up a bat house. Enjoy your backyard with your friends, whether they are squirrels, birds, foxes or people.
